This festive season is exhausting but every year I wish I'd thrown myself into it that little bit more ... but I guess that leaves room for improvement next year.
But for now I'm looking forward to some time alone ... I'll get the train up this afternoon after a few champagnes at work, run to Tesco Metro before it shuts to buy myself some treats, then go home, check out the car and start putting up the fairy lights. With a bit of luck the DVD player will work so I'll settle down with a bottle of cheap sparkling wine, some smoked salmon and 'It's a Wonderful Life' before crawling into bed before Santa comes.
It's going to be a weird Christmas Day this year. I'm back to the Henthorns so it's just like old times in some ways, but this year it'll just be Jennie, John, Rob & I for Christmas dinner. I'll go over early morning to see Nick & Vic before they head to her Mum's place and then I'll talk to Mum & Dad (because I don't have a phone in my house!). We're heading the Linda & Geoff's for drinks and then dinner in the very late afternoon. It'll be lovely and I really am one of the family, but I'll still feel a bit like an orphan!
Then over the next few days I'll catch up with Auntie Margaret & Pauline, drive across to Darlington to see Nick & Cat, hopefully drop in to see Nick & Vic in Leeds and with a bit of luck get in some post-Christmas shopping as well!!
But I always enjoy a bit of peace and quiet over Christmas ... waking up early and wandering around the garden with a cup of tea in my pjs, walking to the crem and seeing everyone else amidst their Christmas morning ritual of visiting loved ones who are no longer with us, going home and cranking up the carols while I get ready, driving down the empty roads to Augton ... and then all the chaos kicks in!
Ho! Ho! Ho!