Went to Barca with the folks in mid April.
Then the parentals decided that being in the same country as me for 9 out of 12 months was more than enough and headed back to Oz.
Got another new flatmate at the beginning of May.
Lost two of my four team secretaries. And no, I didn't actually misplace them. And no, they didn't leave because of me. Or so they say.
Had a girls weekend in Belfast in mid-May.

Had a mammoth late-May long weekend which started with the Chelsea Flower Show ... (look closely for Jamie Durie posing casually...)
... went via Eurovision at Chez Gibson-Budge in Darlington ...
... and ended in glorious St Helens.
Saw Pete Murray ... had to go through a metal detector to get into Brixton and got waved through security BECAUSE I had a bag (?!)
Squeezed in Supper Club 7 ...

...Got two new team secretaries.
(Haven't talked them into a photo yet)
Learnt how to run away with the circus at Jamie's Hens Day (Take 1)

And then ...
Jack, Siggy & Ande came to town and I got really excited and we had little bits of fun because I was working and couldn't take time off and we went out for dinner with really crap service and then we went for a posh Afternoon Tea (Jamie's Hens Day Take 2) with more crap service and then we got on a plane and it was delayed for two hours and I fell asleep and then I woke up and then we took off and we were on our way to Santorini!!!
Oh, and in the middle of those last 4 days I went up to Glasgow for the night for Karen's fabulous Cockadoodledoo!
Great to see an update!
Even if we can't coordinate phone calls, at least I have a quick rundown of life over there....
Yeah, I was feeling guilty about nagging you when I was being even lazier!!
Have sorted out phone problems too ...
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