Well she's two and 4 days actually ... I just thought three posts on Monday was overdoing it a little.
I certainly can't, and her Mummy & Daddy seem just as surprised to find that so much time has flown by! She is growing up up though (don't worry Mummy, those terrible twos will be over in no time ... soon she'll be just as patient and calm as me) and I only wish she wasn't so far away.
I've watched this little munchkin grow up via the wonders of email, facebook and the land of blog. I can only imagine how tough it must have been for my grandparents to have their only grandchild on the other side of the world in the time before the internet existed for mere mortals.
But back to Hannah who, along with her little sister, brightens my days and brings a smile to my face when it's most needed - please find "Hannah's party, Have Hi-5 cake" and the photo to the left as evidence.
So Happy Birthday Hannah (It's belated in more ways than one - your present is still sitting on my living room floor!) ... may all your birthday wishes come true. xxxooo
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