Monday, 12 March 2012

32 things

1. Always wash the outside of the dish first.
2. Karma is like horoscopes: it exists for you if you believe it.
3. If something doesn't ultimately make you happy then you probably shouldn't be doing it.
4. As long as your parents are around you never stop being a kid.
5. Everything is always better said face-to-face.
6. Everyone grieves differently. Event if they're grieving the same thing, their loss is different.
7. The best friends are like a bad smell; they hang around.
8. Resolving to be a better person is just the first step.
9. Sometimes it's the little things that make you happy.
10. It's a big world out there.
11. It's not possible to have too long a phone conversation.
12. Home is all the places your heart is.
13. If you want an honest answer, ask your mother.
14. I am incapable of picking my absolute favourite things: it's all about the 'top ten'.
15. Yorkie's ARE for girls too.
16. Mum's lamb roast IS better than a date with Tom Cruise.
17. Life doesn't wait just because you're not ready.
18. Bigger is not always better.
19. Virtuality will never improve on reality.
20. My favourite place is still the windowsill of my childhood bedroom at sunset.
21. 'Old' is always a little bit older than your parents.
22. There's a point in your life when you need to accept heredity
23. Most things are more than the sum of their parts.
24. Songs can send you back in time the way few other things can.
25. Best friends are the ones you'd do anything for.
26. At the end of the day you have no one to blame but yourself
27. There are some forms of grammar and punctuation I will never grasp, and some I will never forgive.
28. Every minute of every day shapes who we are.
29. It's always best to rinse and then air-dry glassware.
30.Even if you can't or don't remember, somebody else will.
31. I have 'a broken thermostat'.
32. Life is what you make it.


Christine said...

Love this so much - gave me a shiver reading it all. Hurrah for 32! x

Erin said...

1. I love my new dishwasher :)
2. If you say so.
3. Happy yes. Some things that make you happy are not necessarily good for you (or others) though.
4. Or even if they're not, you can still be a kid when you want.
5.Yes yes yes. When are you coming over? :P
6. Always.
7. I can smell you from here!
8. Resolving to be a better person is just the first step.
9. Little things ARE the big things.
10. Yes. FaceTime does not compensate for not being able to be in the same room.
11 .hahahahahaha - do I even need to comment!?!?!?!
12. Home is all the places your heart is.
13. Sometimes it's better not to ask :)
14. That is a lot!
15. Yorkie's? Is that some pommy thing?
16. Yes, especially since Tom Cruise is really old now.
17. Life doesn't wait ever.
18. Oh yes. Has taken us so many lessons of that to learn.
19. Mmmhmm
20. So so cute.
21. Ha ha.
22. Some things you just can't change...
23. The little parts are more than the big picture.
24. Smells can too. There's a perfume you used to love, but I can't remember the name. I know the smell.
25. Any time.
26. Sometimes it's nice to try and pin the blame on someone else though ;)
27. You're pretty good though.
28. But some minutes are better forgotten....
29. See point 1.
30. And that can be problematic.....
31. Not sure what you mean. Literally or figuratively?.
32. WHen are you coming to visit?? :)