Thursday, 29 May 2014

Funny ha-ha

I'll just start by saying that every time I start to write a new post I still get stuck looking at this post and I lose track of everything.

I've never been a good joke teller. More to the point, I've never been a good joke rememberer, and there's nothing unfunnier than someone trying to tell a joke and getting it all wrong.

In fact, there are only two short jokes I remember. The first of which involves the fertility of a popular children's toy, somewhat restricting the target audience. Plus, it's just not that funny. It is useful when you're put on the spot to tell a joke - if they want something side-splitting then they should ask someone else!

Then, a few weeks ago I came across 16 Knock Knock jokes that are so dumb they're amazing and, well, they are! I'm looking at them every day in an attempt to actually memorise at least a few of them. I'm a godmother - or the equivalent thereof - of five (It'll be 6 on Sunday!) and I need to be able to pull something out of the bag every now and again. No.8 makes me giggle like a 5 year old boy (I actually imagine my godson K giggling every time I read it) so I feel like it might be a bit of a winner. No. 7 appeals to my more intellectual side: it's the joke that I will find funnier than my audience and will, quite brazenly, laugh at regardless of their reaction.

Speaking of which, the second of the two jokes in my repertoire?

Why are pirates called pirates?
Because they Arghhhhhhh!

I'm laughing now.

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