Tuesday 13 November 2007

Settling back in

So now I've been home just over 7 days and I'm still desperately trying to settle in. I finally unpacked my suitcase the night before last and I repacked it this morning so there was actually something for the cleaner to clean!

I'm glad to be back in London. I think. For the first time I'm actually imagining what life would be like back in Sydney. I'm not saying it's particularly appealing, but it does cross my mind more often than usual. It's also been interesting to think about going back to LA now that everything I know there has changed.

But for now I'm happy to be here. Well, not exactly here (work) because I've spent way too much time in front of this computer over the past week ...

While I was away I got a promotion (yay!) but unfortunately this means I am now doing two jobs whilst trying to replace myself as well! Add to that the fact that I dared to take a holiday and it all adds up to a rather large workload at the moment. It's only Tuesday, but since waking up on Monday morning I've already spent more time here than I've been away.

But at some ungodly hour last night, when even the craziest workaholics had gone home I finally finished my first project. And although I'm sure it'll be ripped to pieces this afternoon, I'm feeling kinda proud of myself at the moment. Anyway, no time for any more self appreciation ... back to the grind I know and love!

But I do miss Sydney ...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hmmm, well at least you're considering what life would be like in Sydney....that's a start :)