Tuesday 18 August 2009


I've had a lovely week.

On Friday I celebrated the 30th birthday of a very good friend. A great dinner with friends of his and his girlfriend, followed by a trashy night out that took a full day of recovery. The photos are still slowly emerging ...

On Sunday I found myself behind the wheel of a car again! Another day trip to Kent lead to another sunburn - seems summer hasn't quite gone after all!

I also received an invitation to my Great Uncle's 90th birthday in a couple of weeks. I'm really looking forward to seeing all my grandfather's family again ... it's so easy to lose touch over time and as an only child, family is very important to me.

But the highlight?

As I walked to work on Monday after dropping the car off I took the time to enjoy the sunrise, appreciate the quiet streets and admire the landmarks of London that I take for granted. As I neared the office, people started to appear - joggers, people heading to work ... and a young family taking a morning stroll. The parents moved slowly to allow their young son to keep pace as he explored the world around him and watched the passersby.


It's amazing how a simple salutation from a copper-headed toddler can make a day great. As he looked me in the eye and bellowed his greeting I wondered why moments like this didn't happen more often. I wish they did.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Aren't toddlers great? :)

What a lovely story. We miss you.