Thursday, 26 November 2009

The giving of Thanks

I've been trying to give thanks more regularly this year - ever since last year's post.

Actually, last year's post says it all ... with a little of last week's Friday Fanks thrown in to keep things up to date.

Plus I'm grateful for all the chocolate bars my friend gave me for helping her with Excel ... they've coming in handy over the past couple of weeks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Friday Fanks

I'm thankful that there's enough for me to do at work to keep me employed (That's code for I'm crazy busy and would really appreciate a bit of a break!)

I'm thankful that one month from today my parents will be meeting one of my best friends for the first time (They've already met her husband, her sister, brother-in-law and nephew, and her mother-in-law) and having brunch with her and her family before the three of us head off on a road trip.

I'm thankful that I felt like a total geek when my Killer Sudoku books arrived today, but that that still didn't stop me being excited!

I'm thankful to be having catching up with friends tonight and to be having Sunday lunch with my cousins - oh how I've missed them.

I'm thankful for the huge order of Arran Cheese I'm about to place.

I'm thankful when I think about the holidays I want to take next year.

I'm thankful that it's Friday and I can go home soon-ish.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Oh happy day!

Just heard the news that the nearest thing I had to a little brother is going to marry his girlfriend of seven years ...

So thrilled ... and a little sad that I've been away for so long that I barely know them anymore!

Congratulations Matt & Jen!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

I've been thinking ...

I do way too much thinking about things. I go over and over options, decisions, possibilities in my head and generally don't reach a conclusion. I ponder, I contemplate, I daydream.

I spend more time thinking than I spend doing. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I should be doing and why I'm not doing it. From time to time I reflect on why I spend so much time thinking about things and why I am such a talented procrastinator.

None of this is particularly productive.

I once did some sort of course where I was told that if you have a task that you can do in less than 2 minutes, you should do it immediately otherwise you spend much more time putting it off and doing it later. I think the guy who tried to teach me that probably wasn't a PA to 6 Directors (on the side) ...

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and think about my REAL job. And perhaps at some point do some work ...

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Oh what a night ...

There's nothing quite like trotting around Camden on a Saturday afternoon in full 70s regalia. If it wasn't for the zebra striped platforms holding a certain member of our group up, I doubt we would have even got a second glance. By the time the night was through, half the city was pretending to be American ... any excuse for a big night out.

We had a good reason though - Ms Marshall was turning 30! If you ask me (why, thank you)nothing says Happy Birthday like a bit of yum cha. Not that I actually made it for the yum cha, but she had some and that's what really matters! Then it was crawling for cider ... not that we got very far! Down to a Spanish bar for a couple of rounds, to The Big Chill for Sambuca, then on to The Duke for some more cider and some incredible organic food. Not to forget the cheese ... she'd never forgive us if we forgot the cheese!

The long search for Jaegerbombs took us back home, where we lined them up and shot them down. The birthday girl treated us to a fabulous costume change and we all settled in for the night. The Carwash was a long-forgotten dream as we talked (and slept) into the early hours ... well ... we're old now, so actually we all headed home by midnight and were tucked in by 1. I just don't know how we did it back in the day!

Happy Birthday Tiger!