Sunday 5 October 2008

The Big 0-1!!!

That's right ... Miss Hannah Beth Patten is 1!!!

Hard to believe a year's gone by since I got that rather exhausted phone call from Ern. Which means it's been over 11 months since the gorgeous Miss Patten came to visit Ulolo Avenue and sen
d my parents clucky!

In some ways it's been a very long year but now things are starting to look up again. 3 weddings, 1 ceilidh, 4 babies, only one pregnancy that I know about down and only a civil ceremony (and Christmas!) to go!

Can't quite believe Hannah been around long enough for me to get through all of that ... but I've watched her grow (albeit virtually, through my daily blog checking) so much over the past 12 months it seems only fair that she has a big party to celebrate (Not that I got an invitation ...!!).

So ... Happy Birthday Hannah! May you enjoy chocolate on your face for many, many years to come!


Erin said...

I can't believe you blogged Hannah's birthday before I did...I'm so slack :)

Erin said...

Oh, and what is a "ceilidh"??