Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time ...
If I do this holiday thing right then this will be my last blog of the year.
Wishing my gazillions of readers a wonderful Christmas to them and their loved ones.
Looking forward to meeting you 2010!
Monday, 14 December 2009
And so this is Christmas ...
Those other presents are just wee things that I won't be able to list in a few months.
But yesterday my Christmas really did come early. Well, technically 'it' is coming in 10 months (ha! That's got you wondering) and I can't remember when I was last this excited.
I was going to drag it out longer, but frankly it's just way too exciting.
Sure, I can't wait to see Ern & Ads, but c'mon ... it's all about those gorgeous girls!
Hannah will be 3 (I might even get to make birthday cupcakes and cookies!) and Sophie will be starting to toddle. I'm going to make up for every second of their lives I've missed so far.
There'll be EuroDisney and Legoland and Hamleys and every other childhood treat that England, nay Europe has to offer. Every place I've ever wanted an excuse to go to will be visited. Every little treat that that they want will be theirs. If it's one of those things that I'd never ever buy for my children - then onto the credit card it goes! (I'm not their parent - I can spoil them rotten and get away with it!).
I'll be in my element and loving every minute.
Oh yeah, they're coming over because that when Nick & Cat are getting married. Did I forget to mention they got engaged this weekend?
Can. Not. Wait.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
"I've got to admit it's getting better"
I went sensible. I went mild. I went sober.
I may have tried a bit of spicy, but sense overruled and despite a tumultuous bus ride home I'm not ready to face the world of FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD!!!!
Tonight I'm heading to Christmas at No. 42 which should be great fun. I'm look forward to it SO much that I'm going to be really sensible about what I eat for the rest of the day!
P.S. My second seasonal Secret Santa gift also contained cookie cutters ... I'm getting the hint kids ... but I'm still blatently ignoring you all!!
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Christmas:1, Lizzie:0
I have fallen victim to the season and it wasn't the copious amounts of alcohol, or the constant nights out, or the pre-holiday stress. No, this time it was a sweet little innocent oyster (or nine).
Food poisoning sucks. Especially when you get it while you're away for an awesome weekend with some of your best friends and you're about to tuck into a gloriously indulgent Christmas dinner. It's even worse when immediately after the heavenly weekend away you're playing hostess to your friend who is about to take an exam and then you're supposed to join her on a hedonistic night out to celebrate (in preparation for which you've already taken the following morning off work).
No sleep and no food makes for a grumpy Lizzie.
Ah well, Christmas Curry tonight. Nothing cures a bout of food poisoning like a curry!
Friday, 4 December 2009
Marshmallow Marschmallow
It's made me think about what I was like as a kid ... I shall have to ask my parents if they think I would have passed or not!
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
The weather starts getting freezing and I pull out my lovely coat. If we're lucky it doesn't rain day after day after day after day ... unlike this year!
All the Christmas lights go up and the world sparkles all around me ...
There are presents to buy for everyone ... and excuses to buy all those stupid gifts in the stores!! Today I bought a cola powered clock, a rubiks cube and an alarm clock that sounds like a rooster.
The presents aren't for everyone else! Apart from my first Christmas present which has yet to be revealed here in photographic form there's:
- My gift from Mum & Dad. I emailed ' I think I'd like this.' They replied, 'Buy it for yourself then.' So I bought it and wrapped it and put it in my suitcase to take with me to put under the tree.
- My new moo-ing alarm clock. No longer shall I be vulnerable to my temperamental phone alarm and my freak-ish ability to walk across a room to turn it off without waking.
- The Rubik's cube I bought myself last year. THIS Christmas I'm going to be brave enough to give it a go!
- A ridiculous amount of edible glitter. Who knew I needed edible glitter?! Not me ... until I was sent a link to the webpage and offered free delivery! I sense a number of 'Kelly Green', 'Disco Red', 'White Diamond' and 'Peacock' sparkly cupcakes in my future!
- A box of wine (It was on special. It was a great deal. I'm going to drink it anyway whether I buy it by the case or not!)
Hmm ... now instead of feeling festive I'm feeling slightly selfish and materialistic ...and I sense I have a talent for using the silly season as an excuse to buy lots of things I normally wouldn't ... that's what credit cards are for, right?!
It's a little hard to worry about that as I look around at my decorations (yes, of course I have Christmas decorations in my room!) and think of the real, live Christmas Tree I bought today.
As the lamplight reflects of the Christmas Tree cookie cutters hanging on the wall (ok, so 'decorations' is a very broad term) I know there's only 15 sleeps until I freak out at the size of my pseudo-godson and get a good-and-proper hug from one of my best friends (before she wrenches my head out of the clouds and points my life in the right direction). There's only 18 sleeps until my beloved parentals come to collect me and take me back to where I left my heart - Highway 1. In 21 sleeps I'll be back with my family in Rancho Santa Fe, all gathered in the kitchen preparing food for the masses. And the 23rd sleep from now will be a restful and heavy one as I dream of snow and sleighbells.
And that's it - it's Christmas Day and there's mess and madness and over-indulgence and too much noise and too many people and it's wonderful.
Happy December everyone - I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
The giving of Thanks
Actually, last year's post says it all ... with a little of last week's Friday Fanks thrown in to keep things up to date.
Plus I'm grateful for all the chocolate bars my friend gave me for helping her with Excel ... they've coming in handy over the past couple of weeks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, 20 November 2009
Friday Fanks
I'm thankful that one month from today my parents will be meeting one of my best friends for the first time (They've already met her husband, her sister, brother-in-law and nephew, and her mother-in-law) and having brunch with her and her family before the three of us head off on a road trip.
I'm thankful that I felt like a total geek when my Killer Sudoku books arrived today, but that that still didn't stop me being excited!
I'm thankful to be having catching up with friends tonight and to be having Sunday lunch with my cousins - oh how I've missed them.
I'm thankful for the huge order of Arran Cheese I'm about to place.
I'm thankful when I think about the holidays I want to take next year.
I'm thankful that it's Friday and I can go home soon-ish.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Oh happy day!
So thrilled ... and a little sad that I've been away for so long that I barely know them anymore!
Congratulations Matt & Jen!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
I've been thinking ...
I spend more time thinking than I spend doing. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I should be doing and why I'm not doing it. From time to time I reflect on why I spend so much time thinking about things and why I am such a talented procrastinator.
None of this is particularly productive.
I once did some sort of course where I was told that if you have a task that you can do in less than 2 minutes, you should do it immediately otherwise you spend much more time putting it off and doing it later. I think the guy who tried to teach me that probably wasn't a PA to 6 Directors (on the side) ...
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and think about my REAL job. And perhaps at some point do some work ...
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Oh what a night ...
We had a good reason though - Ms Marshall was turning 30! If you ask me (why, thank you)nothing says Happy Birthday like a bit of yum cha. Not that I actually made it for the yum cha, but she had some and that's what really matters! Then it was crawling for cider ... not that we got very far! Down to a Spanish bar for a couple of rounds, to The Big Chill for Sambuca, then on to The Duke for some more cider and some incredible organic food. Not to forget the cheese ... she'd never forgive us if we forgot the cheese!
The long search for Jaegerbombs took us back home, where we lined them up and shot them down. The birthday girl treated us to a fabulous costume change and we all settled in for the night. The Carwash was a long-forgotten dream as we talked (and slept) into the early hours ... well ... we're old now, so actually we all headed home by midnight and were tucked in by 1. I just don't know how we did it back in the day!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Friday Fanks
1. My workmates who (although they regularly drive me mad) never fail to entertain me when they get into 'dress up' mode
2. The fabulous 70s dress that I found yesterday. This may now form part of my summer wardrobe ...
3. Getting to spend the day in Brighton yesterday. I feel a move coming on ...
4. The fact that it's Friday and all the grown ups are away!
5. The lovely (if a little expensive!) weekend ahead with an all-day, 70s themed, yum-cha-cider-pub-crawl-gastro-pub-dinner 30th of a very good friend tomorrow and slightly more low key 'propping up of the bar' for another friend's birthday on Sunday.
6. Totally delicious, slightly warmed mini-rolls filled with leftover roast lamb
I am not thankful for those same workmates who nattered on and on for the last 45 minutes meaning I couldn't concentrate, meaning I couldn't get to the pub to meet a good old friend ...
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Ah, yes ... happiness ...
I'm also thankful for my little happiness list as I now have Rhapsody in Blue as a perfect soundtrack to my current mood.
Better buck-up ... I've got some serious vintage dress shopping to do in 20 minutes!!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
On the first day of the Christmas countdown ...
Today I'm getting myself an early Christmas present (though let's hope Santa comes up wth slightly more exciting presents than I do!).
And I actually looked (unsuccessfully) online for a few Christmas presents and gave a few seconds thought to my card list again - Oh happy day!
To top it off - the sun's out ... mmmm ...
Friday, 23 October 2009
Words aren't enough
I knew when this day came I would be filled with regret, but I forgot that there would be nothing I could do to fix things. Nothing I could do to change the passage of time and make a different decision, follow a different path, choose a different priority. There's nothing that will change the fact that I'm here - snuggled up in bed, in my favourite corner of London, typing away at my blog trying to distract myself. It doesn't matter how very much it hurts right now - I'm here, not there.
Today my friends are celebrating one of the happiest days of their life together. They are marrying each other surrounded by friends and family. They are celebrating their love for each other with the people who love them.
And I'm here. Not there. And nothing will ever change that.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Oops I did it again
Just two and a half weeks after severely burning my hand by picking up a tray which had been in the oven, you'd imagine I might be wary of trays which had been in the oven. You'd possibly even think that surely I couldn't practically recreate the incident with just a slightly smaller tray and a fresh new burn and blister on my thumb rather than my forefinger.
You'd be wrong.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
It makes no sense to me either
Yes, I was a little tired and emotional. Yes, I'd had a glass or two of wine after work. Yes, my boiler was broken and I was not entirely happy with the 12 degree temperature of my flat.
But it's more than that.
Yes, I believe in equal rights for everyone. Yes, I believe that if two people love each other and choose to commit their lives to each other it doesn't matter what their sexuality is. Yes, I believe in gay marriage.
Yes, I was appalled when the state of California passed Proposition 8. Yes, I am scared that the rest of the world will follow suit. Yes, I worry that there will be a day when people I care dearly for will not have their relationship recognised in the eyes of the law.
Yes, Mr Spooner your wife and you did not raise four sons with the idea that three of them would have certain rights and that the fourth of them would be left out.
Yes, I believe in equality. Yes, I believe in freedom. Yes, I believe in love.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Half a decade ...
Well, it was actually five years ago on Sunday that I flew out of Sydney so that's probably an anniversary of sorts too. And I did live in LA for 6 months, which interrupts things a little. And I did live in St Helens for 3 months. So London has only been my home for just over 4 1/4 years.
But I did move to England five years ago.
Half a decade is a very long time in some ways. The number of births, deaths and marriages is off the scale. The concept of living in Sydney is a world away ... and maybe that's why I wonder if I'll ever move back. Surely I should be missing it a bit by now? At the same time I don't think I'll live in London for the rest of my life.
Where, oh where shall I go next ...
Five years. Wowsers.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Rhapsody of Happiness
14. Hearing the first few bars of Rhapsody in Blue (as long as the rest of it follows!)
15. Finding the perfect gift
Happiness is ...
2. A good and proper hug
3. This post - not just because it's about Where the Wild Things Are and eating
4. An unexpected letter or postcard (though expected things are good too!)
5. Arriving home
6. That song that you simply have to dance around the house to
7. Watching my friends learn how to be parents
8. Pulling all my winter clothes out and discovering new clothes (that I've owned for 5 years)
9. Sitting on my old bedroom windowsill watching the sun set over the gorge.
10. Sobbing loudly and uncontrollably through a film (at home of course!)
11. Being woken up by someone singing "Good Morning"
12. A perfect still warm, but slightly underbaked cookie
13. The number 13
Inspired by the Here's to Happiness project
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Picky Pick Pick
I know that scabs are nature's way of providing a clean, sealed environment within which our wounds can properly heal ... but I just can't resist picking off scabs as soon as they start to show a little wear around the edges. I mean it's little bits of skin just hanging around looking grotty and in need of picking!
Imagine my excitement as my all consuming burn slowly dries up and starts to do this weird snakeskin-y thing which I've never seen before (possibly because I've never been able to leave a blister alone before). Yesterday, a little crack appeared at the joint where my index finger meets my palm and I had to convince myself that I hadn't noticed it, and that it would be better for everyone if I just left it alone until it reached a prime state for picking.
The anticipation nearly killed me.
Today as I happened to be gazing intently at my non-blister over lunch I came to the conclusion that prime pickability had been reached. Despite advice to the contrary I began and it truly was almost all I expected it to be. Actually, the only let down is that the burn itself is tingling a little and probably could have done with a few more days sub-scab (which totally ruins the point of picking). And the fact that I'm starting to get the post-pick blues. I'll be ok though.
This post is dedicated to my flatmate who cannot bear the thought of flaky, dry skin. Ever since I found out this fact I've felt the need to hide my poor worn heels and make sure that any dandruff that shows up at the oddest times is out of her line of sight.
Monday, 12 October 2009
I'm not a lot of things at the moment ... but when you start to reel off a list of things that you're not you tend to end up sounding very negative ... which might be the case ... or it might not.
So I'm not being negative.
I'm not sick (really).
I'm not friendless and alone.
I’m not hungry.
That's a lie. I'm really hungry. But I'm not starving.
I'm not too cold.
I'm not broke.
I'm not unemployed.
I'm not thirsty.
I'm not America's Next Top Model.
I'm not Paris Hilton's British BFF.
I'm not sad about the previous two things that I'm not.
I'm not interested in finishing this post and getting on with my stupid boring work.
But I will, because I'm not in a position to get away with it anymore.
THAT'S something not to like about turning 30.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Happy Birthday Hannah Beth!
She'll play rugby just like Mummy & Daddy!
Feeling hot hot hot
What I struggle with is hot things.
A baking tray that's been in the oven for an hour? A stock pot that's been sitting on the stove top? A sauce I can see bubbling away before my eyes? I can't see the heat and therefore it's not there.
I'm just made to be burnt. Oil, water, flames, metal, sun ... I've done it all.
This time it was the baking tray (NB. I did have a thick towel that I use as an oven mitt - it was just in my other hand). Considering the pain, the amount of time spent with my hand under running water, the numbness, the pain, the weird antiseptic ointment and glove treatment that seems to have worked, the pain and the one-handed shampoo I managed this morning (put the broken thermostat into the equation too and I just couldn't face conditioning), the bandaid - admittedly it's large, but it's still just a bandaid - I have on my hand this morning seems rather anticlimactic.
How on earth am I meant to get outpourings of sympathy with just a bandaid?!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
As I was saying ...
Thursday, 1 October 2009
29 going on 30?
After months on end of asking nearly-30 year olds what the problem was with turning 30, I think I'm finally starting to get it.
I was starting to think that maybe 30 was just like any other birthday. I haven't liked birthdays much since I turned 21 and was so upset I became a recluse for 2 months, so I figured that turning 30 was hardly going to be more of a struggle. What I was unprepared for was the countdown ... If you're younger than most of your friends you find that from the moment you turn 29, the fact that your next birthday will be your 30th is hanging over your head.
Back in May I was talking to a 30-minus-5-weeks year old and I had to ask "What's it all about? Does it hit when you're six months out? At the moment I just can't see what the fuss is about but I'm thinking that maybe I'm just not there yet." Her reply? "Oh, you'll see."
Over the last 18 months we've been analysing our reactions to the total and utter global financial failure and at one point I wondered why so many of my friends seemed to be taking it so hard (disregarding the aforementioned 'total and utter failure' bit!). Partly, so many of my friends are architects and interior designers and redundancies hit us early. Partly, it's the first proper financial crisis since we've been rent-paying, salary earning, wedding planning, child rearing, fully mortagaged adults. But I also think that we're all about to hit one of those birthdays. One that requires extra effort and celebration. One that brings birthday cards from people you haven't spoken to for years. One that will define your life as people ask "What did you do for your xxth?". And the last thing you need as you're about to face this hurdle is for someone to invent the credit crunch to highlight all the things you shoulda woulda coulda been doing with your life at this momentus stage. To discover the meaning of 'credit crunch' right at this point in our lives seems a little rough.
But I still didn't quite get it.
I was one of the lucky ones. I kept my job (but I worked damned hard to do it and I've been working even harder ever since). I had some money saved away for a rainy day. The thought of having to move back to Sydney and live with my parents isn't as horrifying as it used to be.
Now I'm 5 months and 12 days out. I'm overweight. I'm single. I have grey hairs. I have no career. I don't own any property (Hell, I only just bought my first car last year!). I don't have any children.
But you know what? I'm losing weight (and I love food so I don't care that much!). If I'd met the man I was supposed to be with I wouldn't be single. But I haven't, and I'd rather be single than settle. Permenant hair colour is really rather affordable. I can't (just about) afford to pay my rent, and that will have to do. I have no plans to be a single mum so it would be better for everyone if I refrained from procreating at this point.
I'm not quite sure of the point of this post. I was going to talk about how I'm finally starting to have the '30 panic' (although not really, but I didn't get to that bit!). I somehow managed to go from grey hairs, through the credit crunch and finally end up with 'life's not so bad'.
I'm going to post it anyway. Perhaps tomorrow (when it's not the busiest day of my working month) I'll ponder about it again slightly more coherantly.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
There's no place like home ...
Just thinking and writing about the thought of them makes my eyes well up a little.
I could do with being in one of those places right now.
And now I can't even put up lovely pictures ... you'll all just have to wallow with me ...
Friday, 25 September 2009
Not to forget ...
I'm already planning my Christmas wrapping theme (I have plans to be one of those people who is renown for her fabulous wrapping)
The Christmas Card list is ready to be updated this weekend (The Christmas cards having been bought at the start of the year of course)
Tomorrow afternoon signals the start of online Christmas shopping (if people send me their lists it only seems sensible to get started early!)
I just need to get my own (very sensible) wishlist under way. (It might sounds selfish but it's not like I'm not going receive anything!)
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Friday Fanks
I'm thankful for my wonderful and varied family. From the very English Kings, to the Queensland based Caferellas, Pfahls, Evans', and a few others whose various surnames I can't remember! From Franny-Lou, Craig & Gypsy hippy-ing it up in NSW to the every expanding Cook clan proudly taking over Wigan and it's surrounds.
There are 3 Margarets, at least 3 Matthews, 2 Rebeccas, 2 Peters I can think of, a Mark and an ex-Mark. I'm the only (surviving) Elizabeth that I know of ... but in this clan who knows?!
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Flatmate for Sale
Occasionally I find myself bemoaning the fact that I'm just going to go home on a week night and not catch up with friends ... but that's ok ... because I have a ready-made built-in friend in my own living room!
She eats what I cook and never fails to think it's amazing and thank me profusely. She doesn't mind watching the same episodes of CSI over and over again every night ... When she catches me clandestinely trying to watch the latest bit of trash that's sure to be cancelled after one season she doesn't laugh and roll her eyes but instead sits down to watch with me and then finds out when it's going to be repeated.
And last night ... when I attempted to take her out for her birthday (which none of her other presents have arrived for - Thanks Royal Mail!) and we were 5 people too late to get into the studio audience ... she took me out for a dinner. I fail to get her into a free event to celebrate her birthday, and she responds by insisting we go out for an expensive meal and then footing the bill!
It's not like she hasn't taken me out for dinner before. We have a sweet deal going where we share meals once or twice a week. It's just slightly unusual in that I cook and wash at home whenever the mood takes me, and she responds either by providing a bottle of wine or with her own form of cooking (ie. we go out or get takeaway).
And one of the best things about a non-cooking, sweet-toothed flatmate is that I can bake and bake to my heart's content and I don't have to worry about consumming all those calories single handedly, or having to constantly take them into work (where I am occaisionally reprimanded if we have bananas left at the end of the week and I don't make a cake).
So world - there's a fabulous, funny, intelligent, gorgeous, kite-surfing, shoe-loving, travelbug on the market. Not that I'm looking to get rid of her! It'd just be nice if someone else appreciated her as much as she deserves.
Friday, 18 September 2009
I love youse
I love the fact that every drunken text I send makes reference to the fact that I've had a few ... as if the middle of the night "I love youse" wasn't enough of a clue. It's like I feel a need to point out that I'm not in my normal completely coherent state. Which would suggest that I don't tell my friends and family that I love them on a regular basis and that somehow I'm uncomfortable with the idea ... unless I'm feeling a little tipsy that is.
I'm thankful for my friends, my family and all the love in my life. I'm thankful that I don't often use the word 'love' willy-nilly. Sure, I've been known to claim I LOVE Borough Market Brownies. I may have even claimed that I'd commit crimes just to get my hands on them. But I think it's generally understood that my feelings towards those heaven-sent rectangles of goodness don't really effect me the same way the memory of first holding my baby cousin does.
I think about it every time I write the word 'love' to someone. I don't want it to be a throwaway word that I use on all acquaintances I think of favourably. I want to use it at the bottom of an email, text or letter the way it was meant - I send this to you with my love. I say it at the end of every phone conversation I have with my parents and it may sometimes seem hurried and without thought. That's only because I need to make sure I say it every time, so they remember how I feel every second of every day - I love you.
I may find it easy to type. It may just trip off the tongue as though it means nothing of much importance. Take it as you wish, it's not meant lightly.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Shiny, shiny!
Lovin' it
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Gruncle Peter's 90th
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Glasgow Showers (literally)
Had a great weekend with the Murrays on Arran - wind, rain and midges galore! Despite the trials and tribulations there was much fun and games, food and wine, laughs and bad jokes - I'm so lucky to have a friend who shares her family and their holidays with all the little London orphans!
We topped it off with dinner at The Wee Curry Hoose last night with Karen '1 week to go!' and Scott. What a lucky, lucky girl I've been over the past 4 years to have made friends like these.
The highlight though was my heavenly shower at Glasgow Central Station. After cleaning the house in the morning before we left I was feeling a little grotty, and 8 hours later as I got off the train from Ardrossan I contemplated having to make it through today at work with unwashed hair and no shower ... and I wasn't too keen. Thank goodness for the fabulous station services which, for a mere £3, provide me with towel, soap, shampoo and hot running water in an enormous wet room. If that wasn't enough, they even have a hair dryer. And so, a mere 20 minutes later (I had to dig around the suitcase for some clean clothes!) I joined Del and Nick in a pub for a well earned beverage in a cleaner, nicer smelling, vastly improved state.
Glasgow Central Station RULES!!!
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
On Friday I celebrated the 30th birthday of a very good friend. A great dinner with friends of his and his girlfriend, followed by a trashy night out that took a full day of recovery. The photos are still slowly emerging ...
On Sunday I found myself behind the wheel of a car again! Another day trip to Kent lead to another sunburn - seems summer hasn't quite gone after all!
I also received an invitation to my Great Uncle's 90th birthday in a couple of weeks. I'm really looking forward to seeing all my grandfather's family again ... it's so easy to lose touch over time and as an only child, family is very important to me.
But the highlight?
As I walked to work on Monday after dropping the car off I took the time to enjoy the sunrise, appreciate the quiet streets and admire the landmarks of London that I take for granted. As I neared the office, people started to appear - joggers, people heading to work ... and a young family taking a morning stroll. The parents moved slowly to allow their young son to keep pace as he explored the world around him and watched the passersby.
It's amazing how a simple salutation from a copper-headed toddler can make a day great. As he looked me in the eye and bellowed his greeting I wondered why moments like this didn't happen more often. I wish they did.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Make those bodies sing!!!
On a slightly related note ... I've had vitamin C the past couple of days and everything seems to be a little better with the world ... very odd.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Late July ...
I'm also thankful that while my eyes are all too often bigger than my stomach, at the same time I'm not particularly fussy about what my food looks like. Over the weekend I made some baba ganoush which resembles the contents of a baby's nappy. Tastes gooood though!
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Thanks of deliciousness!
Sesame seed rolls are quite exciting. The tiger roll I had today was even better - sure didn't have those when I was a kid! Pink tinged goodness makes me ever so happy!
Monday, 20 July 2009
Forgetting to be thankful ...
So right now I'm grateful that the day is over. I'm grateful that Erin sent me such lovely photos of Hannah and Sophie that I can nearly forget that I'm not there. I'm grateful that my parents miss me if we don't talk for a week. I'm grateful that my lovely high school friend cooked an amazing brunch for the girls and I on Saturday. I'm grateful that I finally have an excuse to go to Legoland (on my half-birthday no less!). I'm grateful that I thought of something for a friend that she considered to be "a lovely idea". I'm grateful for the beautiful writing of John Steinbeck.
Friday, 10 July 2009
More gratitude ...
I should be grateful, for my health as well as being grateful for my health.
Let's start with an obvious one - I'm grateful that I have lots of friends having babies that they can send me pictures of ... perhaps more appropriately ...
Friday, 3 July 2009
Baby Carrot!!
Most startlingly, Sophie has become a facebook baby with Aunty Mitch and Aunty Meg announcing her arrival to the world before mummy and daddy had a chance! But the beauty of facebook is that even before it hits 2.40pm in the UK, I can already see photos!
My indignant phone call was interrupted by the arrival to the hospital of big sister Hannah so I've got no idea what size Sophie is, or if she's anywhere near as long as her sister was ...
Ern, Ads, Hannah and all the family seem completely besotted ... but I'm beyond excited and feeling terribly homesick all of a sudden!
Baby Gonzo arrives!!!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
The ABC of Me
Age: 29
Bed size: Double
Chore you hate: Ironing Shirts
Dogs names: No room for dogs! I always lovely the name Henry though.
Essential start to your day item: Strong Milky Coffee
Favorite color: Red
Gold or Silver: White Gold
Height: 165cm ???
Instruments you play: Piano, Clarinet, Flugel Horn (I tried Bassoon, Sax & Flute too)
Job title: Resourcing & Recruitment Assistant (Not PA!!)
Kid(s): Not quite yet ...
Living arrangements: Sharing with a brilliant flatmate in Clapham Junction, London
Mum's name: Barbara
Nicknames: Lots ... Liz, Lizzie, Lizbeth, Dizzie, Ethel, Peaches, Pfaff, Pfuffle
Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Never
Pet Peeve: I just love peeves in general
Quote from a movie: "We'll never survive." "Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."
Right or left handed: Right
Siblings: Nowt
Time you wake up: Alarm goes at 5.30 and I move sometime around 6.50
Underwear: Usually clean
Vegetable you dislike: Can tomato be a vegetable? I hate it enough!
Why you run late: I just don't know. I'm consistently 10 mins late.
X-rays you've had: Teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, a few more teeth, Ankle, Finger
Yummy food you make: Where to start ... sticky date pudding, cheesecake, banana cake, cookies ...
Zoo favorite: Elephants
No excuses ...
Lots has happened ... including Jackie & Siggy's fabulous Hawaiian wedding and a two month visit from Mum & Dad!!
Ah well ... I'll get back to it soon. I've got t'internet at home now so perhaps I'll be better.
Monday, 2 February 2009
The sky bears had a pillow fight ...
Friday, 30 January 2009
All my Christmases at once!
Since I've known them, they've spoilt me rotten and infused me with more Christmas Spirit (the whole year round!) than I thought possible. Through them I've learnt to love December again and to relish the mulled wine flowing through my veins.
The first Christmas I knew them they got engaged, and finally, three years later they tied the knot in a celebration that was completely them ... right down to the mini Christmas dinner canapes!
I'm eternally grateful to have them both as friends and so pleased to be part of such a beautiful day.
A picture says a thousand words ... plus, I didn't take my camera!
An extract from an Ancient Sanskrit Poem by Kalidasa
Look to this day-
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the varieties and realities of your existence-
The bliss of growth;
The glory of action;
The splendour of beauty.
For yesterday is already a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision;
But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow a vision of hope-
Look well, therefore, to this day.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Trudged to work in the snow this morning (where did all those people come from?!) and have just spent the past 10 minutes looking out the windows as the snow flutters down ... with sub-zero temperatures for the past week, there's no doubt it's winter!!!